w88 online sports betting Trade Series w88 online sports betting/Undercoats
A good job starts with a good w88 online sports betting coat, and ITM Trade Series® has a range of w88 online sports betting coats to suit.
ITM Trade Series® Water-Based Multisurface w88 online sports betting is an all-in-one primer, sealer and undercoat for interior and exterior use. Suitable for brush, roller and spray application. This water-based, tintable, prepcoat is quick drying with good tannin blocking and strong adhesion. It is suitable for use under both water-based and oil-based topcoats and can be used on a wide variety of surfaces.
- Available in: 500ml, 1L, 4L & 10L
ITM Trade Series Oil-based Multisurface w88 online sports betting
ITM Trade Series® Oil-Based Multisurface w88 online sports betting is an all-in-one primer, sealer and undercoat with excellent tannin blocking and great coverage. For both interior and exterior use, this prepcoat has strong adhesion and is suitable for brush, roller and spray application. Turps wash-up.
- Available in: 1L & 4L
w88 online sports betting Trade Series Acrylic Sealer Undercoat
w88 online sports betting Trade Series® Acrylic Sealer Undercoat is a water-based, interior undercoat. Ideal for plasterboard and masonry. It is tintable and quick drying with excellent sanding ability and strong adhesion. This prepcoat is also suitable for wet areas and offers reduced patchiness.
- Available in: 1L, 4L & 10L